1 flight
1. n1) політ2. a1) польотний2) рейсовий◊•- acceptance flight - accident-free flight - acrobatic flight - advertising flight - aerial survey flight - aerial work flight - aerobatic flight - aero-tow flight - all-cargo charter flight - all-freight flight - all-weather flight - altitude flight - around-the-world flight - asymmetric flight - auto-controlled flight - automatic flight - autorotational flight - autorotative flight - back-to-back flight - bad-weather flight - banked flight - blind flight - blocked-off flight - border-crossing flight - box-pattern flight - bumpy-air flight - business flight - calibration flight - cancelled flight - cargo flight - certification test flight - charter flight - chased flight - checkout flight - civil flight - climbing flight - closed-circuit flight - coasting flight - coast-to-coast flight - commercial flight - compulsory IFR flight - computer-directed flight - connecting flight - contact flight - continuous flight - contour flight - controlled and powered flight - controlled flight - controlled flight into terrain - controlled VFR flight - conventional flight - crabbing flight - crop control flight - cross-country flight - cross-wind flight - cruising flight - day flight - decelerating flight - delayed flight - delivery flight - demonstration flight - descending flight - desired path flight - desired track flight - direct flight - directed reference flight - distance flight - disturbed atmosphere flight - diverted flight - domestic flight - downward flight - drift flight - dual flight - eastbound flight - emergency flight - empty flight - endurance flight - engine-off flight - engine-on flight - en-route flight - entire flight - European flight - experimental flight - extra flight - extra section flight - factory test flight - familiarization flight - ferry flight - flight under the rules - flight with rated power - first-class flight - flapless flight - formation flight - free flight - full-scale flight - full-throttle flight - gliding flight - grid flight - head-down flight - head-up flight - head-wind flight - heavier-than-air flight - hedge-hopping flight - high-altitude flight - high-speed flight - holding flight - horizontal flight - hovering flight - humanitarian charter flight - hypersonic flight - idle flight - IFR flight - inagural flight - inclusive tour flight - incontrollable flight - instructional check flight - instructional dual flight - instructional solo flight - instrument flight - instrument rules flight - intended flight - intercontinental flight - international flight - introductory flight - inward flight - level flight - local flight - long-distance flight - low-altitude flight - low-level flight - low-speed flight - low-visibility flight - maiden flight - man-directed flight - manned flight - meteorological reconnaissance flight - mid-course flight - military charter flight - multistage flight - night flight - noiseless flight - non-revenue flight - non-scheduled flight - non-stop flight - nontraffic flight - nonvisual flight - off-airway flight - one-stop flight - one-way flight - operational flight - orbital flight - orientation flight - out-and-return flight - out-of-trim flight - outward flight - overland flight - oversold flight - overwater flight - overweather flight - own-use charter flight - performance flight - pleasure flight - point-to-point flight - positioning flight - powered flight - power-off flight - power-on flight - practice flight - prearranged flight - private flight - production test flight - profit-making flight - radio navigation flight - rearward flight - record-setting flight - reference flight - refuelling flight - regular flight - relief flight - repositioning flight - return flight - revenue flight - revenue earning flight - rhumb-line flight - round-the-world flight - round-trip flight - route familiarization flight - routine flight - sailing flight - scheduled flight - sector flight - shakedown flight - short-haul flight - shuttle flights - sightseeing flight - simulated flight - simulated instrument flight - single-engined flight - single-heading flight - soaring flight - solo flight - space flight - special event charter flight - special event flight - special VFR flight - stabilized flight - stall flight - standoff flight - stationary flight - steady flight - still-air flight - straight flight - student charter flight - subsonic flight - supersonic flight - supervised flight - sustained flight - tailwind flight - taxi-class flight - test flight - through flight - training flight - training dual flight - training solo flight - trans-Atlantic flight - transfer flight - transient flight - transit flight - trial flight - turbulent flight - turnround flight - unaccelerated flight - uncontrolled flight - unscheduled flight - unscheduled long range flight - unsteady flight - upward flight - vectored flight - visual contact flight - visual navigation flight - visual flight - visual rules flight - VFR flight - VMC flight - VOR course flight - wings-level flight -
2 aircraft
(мн. aircraft)1. n1) літальний апарат, ЛА; повітряне судно, ПС; літак; вертоліт, гелікоптер; проф. борт2) збірн. авіація2.◊aircraft in distress — ПС, що зазнає лиха
aircraft in missing — ПС, що зникло безвісти
aircraft in service — ПС, що експлуатується
aircraft is considered to be missing — ПС вважається таким, що зникло безвісти
aircraft on register — ПС, занесене до реєстру авіакомпанії
aircraft requiring assistance — ПС, що потребує допомоги
aircraft under command — ПС, кероване (диспетчерською службою)
aircraft under control — ПС, кероване (екіпажем)
to decelerate the aircraft to... — знижувати швидкість ПС до...
to fly an aircraft — пілотувати ПС; керувати повітряним судном
to follow up the aircraft — супроводжувати ПС; забезпечувати контроль польоту ПС
to install on the aircraft — монтувати [установлювати] на повітряному судні (напр. на крилі)
to land the aircraft — саджати [приземляти] ПС
to level the aircraft out — вирівнювати ПС (на заданій висоті); установлювати ПС у горизонтальне положення
to pull an aircraft — 1) брати штурвал на себе; 2) виводити ПС з пікірування
to reequip an aircraft — переобладнувати ПС; заміняти [замінювати] обладнання ПС
to release the aircraft — припиняти диспетчерський контроль (за польотом) повітряного судна; дозволити повітряному судну вийти з зони контролю
to restore an aircraft — відновлювати [(від)ремонтувати] ПС
to return the aircraft to flyable status — приводити ПС у стан льотної готовності (шляхом технічного доопрацювання)
to roll out the aircraft — 1) виводити ПС із крену; 2) викочувати ПС (з ангару)
to rotate an aircraft — відривати [піднімати] передню опору шасі повітряного судна (під час зльоту)
to steer an aircraft — вести ПС; керувати повітряним судном (під час руління)
to substitute the aircraft — заміняти [замінювати] ПС (на інше)
to trim the aircraft — балансувати [тримерувати] ПС
to vend an aircraft — поставляти [постачати] ПС (експлуатанту)
to warn the aircraft — попереджати [попереджувати] ПС (про небезпеку); остерегти [застерегти ] ПС (від небезпеки)
•- accelerator aircraft - active aircraft - active-cooling hypersonic aircraft - aerodynamically balanced aircraft - airborne aircraft - all-body aircraft - all-cargo aircraft - all-metal aircraft - all-purpose aircraft - all-weather aircraft - all-wing aircraft - ambulance aircraft - amphibian aircraft - approaching aircraft - arriving aircraft - attack aircraft - authorized aircraft - balanced aircraft - baseline aircraft - basic aircraft - boost-glide aircraft - business aircraft - canard aircraft - cargo aircraft - chartered aircraft - civil aircraft - clean aircraft - cleared aircraft - combat aircraft - combination aircraft - commuter-size aircraft - conflicting aircraft - conventional takeoff and landing aircraft - convertible aircraft - critical aircraft - damaged aircraft - delta-wing aircraft - departing aircraft - derived aircraft - disabled aircraft - double-decker aircraft - eastbound aircraft - enemy aircraft - entire aircraft - environmentally attuned aircraft - executive aircraft - experimental aircraft - feeder aircraft - first-generation aircraft - fixed-wing aircraft - fly-by-wire aircraft - folding-wing aircraft - following aircraft - forest patrol aircraft - forestry surveillance aircraft - freight aircraft - friendly aircraft - fuel-conservative aircraft - full-scale aircraft - general aircraft - general-purpose aircraft - handy aircraft - heavier-than-air aircraft - heavy aircraft - heavy transport aircraft - high-altitude aircraft - high-capacity aircraft - high-speed aircraft - high-time aircraft - high-wing aircraft - holding aircraft - hospital aircraft - hushkitted aircraft - hypersonic aircraft - hydrogen-fuelled aircraft - improperly loaded aircraft - inbound aircraft - in-coming aircraft - in-flight aircraft - in-service aircraft - instructional aircraft - interchanged aircraft - intruder aircraft - intruding aircraft - inward aircraft - irrepairable aircraft - jet aircraft - laden aircraft - land aircraft - land-based aircraft - laser-powered aircraft - leased aircraft - licensed aircraft - lift-fuselage aircraft - light aircraft - lighter-than-air aircraft - litter aircraft - long-bodied aircraft - long-distance aircraft - long-haul aircraft - long-range aircraft - long-range search aircraft - low annoyance aircraft - low-wing aircraft - mail-carrying aircraft - making way aircraft - manned aircraft - medium-range cargo aircraft - medium-range search aircraft - methane-fuelled aircraft - mid-wing aircraft - military aircraft - minishuttle launcher aircraft - missing aircraft - modern aircraft - modified aircraft - mother aircraft - multicrew aircraft - multi-engine aircraft - multiengined aircraft - multipurpose aircraft - narrow-body aircraft - NASP aircraft - nearly invisible aircraft - nonnoise certificated aircraft - oncoming aircraft - one-engined aircraft - originating aircraft - outbound aircraft - outdated aircraft - out-of-balance aircraft - outward aircraft - overweight aircraft - owner-operated aircraft - parked aircraft - passenger aircraft - passive-cooling hypersonic aircraft - patrol aircraft - piloted aircraft - piston aircraft - piston-engined aircraft - piston-powered aircraft - practice aircraft - preceding aircraft - preproduction aircraft - pressurized aircraft - production aircraft - profitable aircraft - prop-driven aircraft - propeller-driven aircraft - prototype aircraft - quiet aircraft - receiver aircraft - reconnaissance aircraft - reduced takeoff and landing aircraft - regular-body aircraft - research aircraft - rotary wing aircraft - RTOL aircraft - school aircraft - search aircraft - short-range aircraft - short-range search aircraft - short takeoff and landing aircraft - single-engine aircraft - small-size aircraft - solar powered aircraft - state aircraft - stayed afloat aircraft - stealth aircraft - STOL aircraft - stretched aircraft - subsonic aircraft - supersonic aircraft - training aircraft - transonic aircraft - transport aircraft - turboprop aircraft - twin-engine aircraft - twin-fuselage aircraft - ultra-large aircraft - under command aircraft - underway aircraft - unidentified aircraft - unlawfully seized aircraft - unmanned aircraft - unpressurized aircraft - used aircraft - vectored-thrust aircraft - vertical takeoff and landing aircraft - very long-range search aircraft - VTOL aircraft - widebody aircraft
См. также в других словарях:
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